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cartable électronique

  • World Innovation Summit for Education

    La WISE qatari fait son sommet, le Davos du nouvel ordre éducatif mondial, émanation de la Rand Corporation of Developpement américaine, va fixer la norme éducative mondiale que vous allez recevoir directement dans vos assiettes. Tout cela passe au dessus de la tête des Etats via les Régions, ancrages mondialistes, et l'OCDE et son barmètre PISA. Au programme, disparition des enseignants, dès la maternelle, e-learning, cartable électroniquen c'est la cheap academy ...



  • "Le cartable électronique ou la mise en boîte de l'enseignement", s'exporte

    Mon article sur le sujet, que l'on retrouve sous la rubrique "Mes articles" sur ce blog, ou sur NPI


    a été traduit sur un site économique étranger :

    europe economy
    by De Balie

    electronic schoolbag or canning of education

    Electronics ® Binder is the idea that each student could have a “virtual school bag” that would follow in his movements and allow him access to educational resources he may need.

    Presented as

    unsurpassable revolution to come, the ICT (Information Technology and Communication for Education) do not cover only a technical aspect, but mainly a political and even geopolitical.


    The advent of Digital Workspaces (ENT) and related software services, is correlated with decentralization and perspective in the New world order educational.

    strictly technical problems still pose an obstacle to the success of a global education.

    Its proponents

    referencing themselves these constraints and work to address them.

    This will be a key challenge for the next Global Forum of learning throughout life to be held in Marrakech in 2012.

    It is obviously subject to the hardware (laptops, digital tablets) available to students but also business partners that market ideology is inherently associated with the education process.

    access and network security are not yet developed, and the idea has even already been overtaken by practice, corporations having already positioned on the device and sell education low cost without control, and the degree counter-top box, all at the risk of consumer education.

    States and thus the disparate content are so many obstacles, but the new and promising market assessed as one of the most lucrative with 1400 billion per year, just waiting to explode under the blows of economic and financial organizations that are international OECD, IMF and the World Bank and WTO and GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) that we signed in white through the European Union, and under pressure from U.S. States.

    global standardization of the educational model could not be established without local roots.

    learning region, mostly centered on a learning city in the form of megalopolis, has been defined as the basic unit of a global network that transcends borders, times and places in the new learning society by Global Learning Committee is currently chaired by Yves Attou, and sponsorship of the former Socialist European Commissioner Jacques Delors called Senior Education at the OECD in 1999 and initiated large technical project, especially during the extraordinary European Council 2000 Lisbon, where the major guidelines were set and especially through the ICT, key skills such as teamwork, creativity, multidisciplinarity, adaptability, intercultural communication and the ability to solve problems.

    called “science” of education are used as ideological support to educational globalism.

    E-Learning (teaching through digital software) and face (an effective presence in places of learning society) are the new concepts that define the modes of learning.

    You have the strange feeling of being entered into the atmosphere of an inhuman world of science fiction? You will be treated chilly, narrow-minded and limited.

    And if your culture you recalled a Ray Bradbury or more prosaically, a merry bonfire to seal the same act of faith described in Candide, that would prevent the earth to tremble, there is the thrill that you come to appreciate the temperature which ignite the paper and thereby our souls to burn.

    writing tablets, books, the strength of the transmission set in stone, shot by a will as virtual invisible, impalpable as anonymous, as she controlled us from the grip our destiny.

    work is not to burn all the works written without exception, the story of the Princess of Cleves was only beginnings, the humanities classes closed for lack of students and credits, the suites have known.

    Recent events show that reality is stranger than fiction: the U.S., many iPhone owners no longer able to access the applications they had yet purchased legally through the Apple Store. Under pressure from leagues under, Apple had blocked all applications, retroactively, no longer corresponded to its new commercial. The name of the rose in the name of the apple.

    users were presented with a fait accompli. Apple has launched the iPad and function “digital books”, associations of defense of fundamental freedoms have warned against the fact that the seed company can remotely wipe the books there have been loaded and the contents of n ‘ have not the time to appeal to religious groups or philosophical militants.

    This assumption is not pure speculation puisqu’Amazon, which sells books in digital form that can be read through its terminals kindle, erased, last year on them, hundreds of books purchased legally on its site. If the reason was a problem of copyright and not moralistic pressure groups, the scandal has again been great and the ability of services to Amazon to remove, via the activation of digital locks remote content on the terminals that the company was sold, was chilling to many.

    Captain Beatty is not dead, he just changed his profession: but it is no longer firefighter computer.


    back! The 451 ° Fahenreiht are met. “I saw where we were going there a long time ago. I said nothing. I am one of those innocent people who could raise their voices when no one wanted to listen to ‘guilty’. “

    In the books

    citizens, and fearless guardians of our talking nice, keep it honest, pure and clear as silver, as a people here drink, as a people face against the ground falls slave s ‘he holds his tongue, he holds the key, the issuing of the chains.


    Mistral blows in order not to take away from us, the laughter of our children, times are murderers.



    to see: The binder Big Brother

    Published in the latest issue of Nations Press Magazine

